T.L.E 51

The candle making supplies needed are:
1. Candle making wax
2. Wax dye
3. Wicks
4. Fragrance oils
5. Votive molds or containers
Easy stages of candle making
1. Now that you have gotten ingredients, you are prepared to start. Take the wax and rip it up into tiny bits.
2. Now boil the water in the special water boiler and add the smashed wax. Now have your thermometer and be sure the wax warms up to 160 degrees.
3. Mix the candle makers wax and put in your color choice a little at a time until you have the color you want.
4. Now it is best to put in the scent if you are going to utilize one. Be positive the wax stays the right temperature during the mixing and adding.
5. Now cut your candle wicks to the length you think you want. Commence dipping the wick into the hot wax.
6. Pull a piece of wick out and allow it to cool. Continue dipping and cooling until your candle is the size you want.
7. Keep on going until you dip the wick for the final time and let the candle totally cool down.
8. When it has totally cooled, you can commence to trim away the unwanted candle wick and your candle is now ready to use.

Steps in making stuffed toys
- Pick out a fabric you like.
- Draw a sketch with a light colored marker (but be sure you can see it) of the animal or person you'd like to make. Be sure to leave about a 1/4 inch of cloth that you'll sew.
- Cut out two figures from the sketch you've made. If you want to add anything now, go ahead.
- Sew the two together with string inside out (if you drew on it, make sure the side you want on the outside is being sewn on the inside). Make sure to leave a hole to stuff it with!
- With the same hole, turn the animal inside out. This hides the stitches and makes it look neater.
- Stuff the animal with cotton or other material. Make sure it's not too tight, and don't under stuff it! (lay your head on the animal to see if you're comfortable, since many people sleep with stuffed animals, especially kids)
- Sew the hole closed, either by hand or with a sewing machine.
- Add embellishments! Take a rounded needle to make the eyes by either using a button or just stitching a circle. Add a mouth with a black yarn or draw one on!
- Draw ears on the same cloth (or a different one to mix it up), cut them out, and sew them on. You can add pink fabric to the inside of the ear if you want.
- Add all details like tails, ears, eyes, mouth, nose, and even if you want to add hair to the stuffed animal.
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